Monday, February 22, 2016

Database Testing

| Monday, February 22, 2016
There are 3 top dog aspect of whatever dynamics website, cloud base of operations applications together with those are backend code, UI together with the database. So what nosotros code at backend volition define forepart terminate which is UI, together with what nosotros or user rank inwards the UI fields goes to the database.

Main departure betwixt the UI Testing, Backend Code Testing together with the Data Base Testing are shown below.

Backend Testing:  Here to perform the backend testing, tester should know the code together with how it work. Here tester volition run across all the code together with crusade to detect out whatever defect within the code. Tester who performs backend testing is called equally White Box Tester.

UI: The forepart terminate of the application which is viewable for the terminate user, hither what tester involve to bear witness are the things similar buttons, colors, text alignments, links, images, layout, navigations etc. are the business office of UI testing.

Database Testing: similar at that spot are forms where user insert his details thence this special involve to live on stored somewhere. That is stored inwards database. All the information is stored inwards database. Database is real of import thing. And it involve to live on ensure that information base of operations should live on designed together with working properly. Database Tester involve to bear witness next affair spell performing database testing.

  • Database Structure: each plain of assort has its ain row to shop the data. For example, suppose at that spot is a assort called research assort which has fields similar name, number, electronic mail id, together with description, thence database should live on designed similar at that spot should live on a tabular array inwards database whose advert should live on research tabular array together with inwards that tabular array at that spot should live on 1 dissever column for each plain similar 1 column for advert field, minute column for mobile rank out filed similar this nosotros involve to brand column for every field. So this is the tester responsibleness that each together with every plain has its house inwards tables. And at that spot should live on a tabular array for virtually of the assort together with every input that nosotros produce got from the terminate user on assort should larn stored inwards database properly. And at that spot is non whatever missing database or whatever missing column or whatever missing tables.
  • Data: to a greater extent than or less fourth dimension at that spot is possibility that information does non larn stored database, for illustration lets say terminate user is filling the research assort on our software together with it submitted the assort yesteryear clicking on the relieve push clit together with software shown together with a message similar your research stored successfully but if nosotros click the information base of operations at that spot is non whatever entry acquaint of that research which user merely filled. So it is involve to live on ensured that information are properly getting stored inwards the data.
  • Another scenarios is when user desire to update his research or whatever information together with thence user volition click on the edit push clit together with thence brand necessary modify together with relieve the assort together with thence if nosotros banking concern gibe the information base of operations at that spot is possibilities similar novel updated information is non updated inwards database or it mightiness produce a novel entry for updating. This are the possibilities that tin come, testers involve to reckon this possibilities together with should, together with should bear witness the software yesteryear considering this possibilities. 
  • Another things similar indexing inwards database which helpful for retrieving information from the database fast. When y'all search anything on software together with thence search that searched discussion inwards database together with suppose at that spot is huge information is database without indexing together with thence it volition produce got lots of time. But if at that spot is proper indexing done inwards database together with thence it volition produce got less fourth dimension to demo the result. Tester too involve to aspect for such a things spell performing the database testing.
  • Triggers: triggers are the codes which should larn executed afterward special lawsuit happens. This working of trigger involve to live on banking concern gibe properly, all the triggers are working properly or not, the fourth dimension of execution or the sequence of the executions are right or non this affair involve to live on tested. There are other things similar stored procedures which is too involve to live on tested whether those all are working equally per the expectation or not.
  • This is curt article on how nosotros tin outset our database testing together with what things involve to live on tested inwards database.

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