- Set is 1 of the collection framework interface which extends origin Collections interface.
- Set collection tin non comprise duplicate elements.
- Set interface has all methods which are inherited from Collection interface amongst special restriction of non allowing duplicate elements.
- If 2 Set interface contains same elements together with then both are equal.
- Set interface is implemented past times LinkedHashSet, HashSet classes together with extended past times SortedSet interface which is implemented past times TreeSet.
- boolean add(E e) : It volition insert specified chemical cistron inwards laid if it is non available inwards set.
- boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) : It volition add together all elements of specified collection inwards laid if non already acquaint inwards set.
- void clear() : It volition take away all elements from set.
- boolean contains(Object o) : It volition provide truthful if given chemical cistron is available inwards set.
- boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) : It volition provide truthful if all the elements of given collection are available inwards set.
- boolean equals(Object o) :It volition compare specified object amongst laid to banking concern jibe equality.
- boolean isEmpty() : It volition provide truthful if laid is empty.
- int hashCode() :It volition returns hash code value for this set.
- Iterator<E> iterator() : It volition provide an iterator over the elements inwards set.
- boolean remove(Object o) : It volition take away specified chemical cistron from the laid if it is present.
- boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) : It volition take away all those elements from laid which are specified inwards collection.
- int size() : It volition provide size of Set.
Below given Set interface event volition demo y'all demo of Set interface's few of import methods.
Java Set Interface Example
package JAVAExamples; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; world cast SetInterfaceExample { world static void main(String args[]) { Set s1 = novel HashSet(); // Check initial size of set. System.out.println("Initial size of laid : " + s1.size()); // Add items inwards set. Try to add together duplicate exceptional inwards laid every bit laid tin non convey duplicate items. s1.add("Item1"); s1.add("Item2"); s1.add("Item1"); s1.add("Item3"); s1.add("Item4"); // Print set. It volition demo solely iv items every bit laid tin non concur duplicate items. System.out.println("Set items are : " + s1); // Check if laid is empty. It volition provide false. System.out.println("Set is empty? : " + s1.isEmpty()); // access laid items through Iterator. Iterator iterator = s1.iterator(); System.out.println("Set items are : "); piece (iterator.hasNext()) { String chemical cistron = (String) iterator.next(); System.out.println(element); } // Remove exceptional from set. s1.remove("Item3"); // Set items afterwards removing Item3 from set. System.out.println("Now Set items are : " + s1); // Get laid size. System.out.println("Set size is : " + s1.size()); } }
Output :
Initial size of laid : 0 Set items are : [Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4] Set is empty? : imitation Set items are : Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Now Set items are : [Item1, Item2, Item4] Set size is : 3
This way, You tin role coffee laid to shop non duplicate items.