Monday, February 22, 2016

Jmeter - Constant Throughput Timer Example

| Monday, February 22, 2016
Constant Throughput Timer is ane of the generally used timer inwards jmeter software charge examination plan. Using constant throughput timer, You tin give the axe arrive at upward one's heed how many samples should hold upward executed per minute. Constant throughput timer volition add together random pauses betwixt requests during examination execution to check required throughput figure(samples per minute). Let's larn usage of constant throughput timer inwards apache jmeter software charge examination plan.

Note : If you lot are using constant throughput timer inwards your software charge examination innovation together with server is non capable to grip the charge or whatever other fourth dimension consuming elements are available inwards your examination innovation together with then your targeted throughput(Which is laid inwards constant throughput timer) volition hold upward non achieved.

Add Constant Throughput Timer In Software Load Test Plan
Generally constant throughput timer is beingness added nether controller, parallel to requests. For adding constant throughput timer nether controller,
  • Right click on your controller -> Add -> Select Timer -> Constant Throughput Timer. See below given image.

It volition add together constant throughput timer nether controller.

Example : Using Constant Throughput Timer In JMeter Software Load Test Plan
I convey prepared sample jmeter software charge examination innovation to demo you lot how genuinely constant throughput timer works.

Scenario 1 : I convey 1 asking inwards my software charge examination innovation together with i wants to execute cook xx requests per minute. My software charge examination innovation configuration is every bit below.

I convey laid Number of threads = 1, Ramp-Up Period = 1 together with Loop Count = Forever In thread grouping properties.

Added constant throughput timer with Target Throughput = xx and Calculate Throughput based on = all active threads every bit shown inwards below image. That agency i wants to execute xx requests per minute.

Now if you lot volition run inwards a higher house constant throughput sample charge examination plan, number volition looks similar below.

You tin give the axe run into that Start fourth dimension departure betwixt 1st sample together with 21st sample is 1 minute. That agency my targeted throughput(20 samples per minute) is achieved.

Scenario ii : I wants to run ii threads together with execute xl requests per infinitesimal using constant throughput timer.

So my thread grouping configuration is every bit below. I convey laid Number of threads = 2.

Constant throughput timer configuration is every bit below. Set Target Throughput = 40.

Test execution number volition looks similar below.

You tin give the axe run into that Start fourth dimension departure betwixt 1st asking together with 41st asking is 1 minute. That agency xl samples has been executed inwards 1 minute.

This way, You tin give the axe purpose constant throughput timer inwards your charge examination innovation to plow over targeted throughput.

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