Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Jmeter - Using Synchronizing Timer On Controller Level

| Tuesday, February 23, 2016
In before article, We acquire to a greater extent than or less basic things virtually Synchronizing Timer. As y'all know, Synchronizing Timer is useful to liberate given publish of threads at i time to generate charge on selected asking or all requests of your software charge examination plan. In this article, We volition acquire how to purpose synchronizing timer on controller score of your software charge examination innovation in addition to how it works.

Using Synchronizing Timer On Controller Level
I accept prepared examination innovation alongside ii Thread groups. Thread Group - 1 has Synchronizing Timer on controller score in addition to Thread Group - ii don't accept whatever Synchronizing Timer equally shown inwards bellow image.

Both Thread Groups has same configuration equally described bellow.
  • Number of Threads = 4
  • Ramp-up Period = 1
  • Loop Count = 1
And Synchronizing Timer of Thread Group - 1 has bellow given configuration.
  • Number of Simultaneous Users to Group past times = 4
  • Timeout inwards milliseconds = 0.
In Thread Group - 1 of software charge examination plan, We accept laid Synchronizing Timer nether uncomplicated controller in addition to then Synchronizing Timer volition strength every requests of uncomplicated controller to facial expression for four threads. Once four thread reached on specific request, It volition liberate all threads at once. That agency four threads volition execute same asking at same fourth dimension in addition to generate charge on that specific request. Same affair volition apply to all requests which are nether uncomplicated controller of Thread Group - 1.

Thread Group - ii is used to compare the results of examination innovation execution alongside Synchronizing Timer in addition to without Synchronizing Timer equally Thread Group - ii produce non accept whatever Synchronizing Timer.

Also added "View Results inwards Table" listener nether both Thread groups.

When run to a higher house software charge examination plan, "View Results inwards Table" listener of Thread Group - 1 volition demo outcome similar bellow. Observe "Start Time" of all four requests inwards bellow given image.

You tin give notice come across that offset fourth dimension of each grouping of asking is nearest same inwards milliseconds. You volition detect hardly 0.01 millisecond divergence betwixt four thread's offset fourth dimension of specific request. That means, All four thread has executed all four requests concurrently.

Now if y'all volition come across Start fourth dimension of Thread Group - 2, It is dissimilar for each grouping of asking equally shown inwards bellow image.

Start fourth dimension is dissimilar for grouping of requests in addition to too execution sequence is different.

This way, You tin give notice use Synchronizing Timer on controller score inwards your software charge examination innovation to generate charge on all requests of examination using concurrent users.

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