Thursday, February 18, 2016

Linkedhashmap Course Of Report Inwards Java

| Thursday, February 18, 2016
  • LinkedHashMap cast is i of the cast of map interface which extends HashMap cast as well as implements Map interface.
  • It is combination of linked listing and Hash table implementation of the Map interface as well as that's why it is called LinkedHashMap.
  • It is maintaining doubly-linked listing insertion companionship inwards which keys were inserted into the map.
  • It allows to shop nix elements as well as optional Map operations are likewise available.
  • It is non synchronized implementation therefore if whatever thread modifies map structurally when map is accessed past times multiple threads as well as therefore it must live on synchronized externally.
Important methods of LinkedHashMap class

  • void clear() : It volition take away all mappings from map.
  • boolean containsValue(Object value) : It volition banking concern stand upward for for value inwards map as well as supply truthful if values be inwards map.
  • V get(Object key) : It volition supply value which is mapped amongst specified fundamental inwards map. Else it volition supply null.
  • protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K,V> eldest) : It will returns truthful if this map should take away its eldest entry.
package JAVAExamples;  import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set;  populace cast ExampleLinkedHashMap {   populace static void main(String[] args) {   // Create a hash map.   LinkedHashMap<String, Double> fifty = novel LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();   // Put elements to the map.   l.put("Bicycle", novel Double(134.33));   l.put("Car", novel Double(353.12));   l.put("Bus", novel Double(-598.23));   l.put("Train", novel Double(193.56));   l.put("Motorcycle", novel Double(39.48));    // Print LinkedHashMap.   System.out.println("LinkedHashMap elements are : " + l);    // Get size of LinkedHashMap.   System.out.println("Size of LinkedHashMap is : " + l.size());    // Get value of key.   System.out.println("Value of Bus is " + l.get("Bus"));    // Check if LinkedHashMap is empty.   System.out.println("LinkedHashMap is empty? : " + l.isEmpty());    // Check of LinkedHashMap has given value or not   System.out.println("LinkedHashMap has 353.12 value? : "+ l.containsValue(353.12));    // Check of LinkedHashMap has given fundamental or not   System.out.println("LinkedHashMap has taxi key? : "+ l.containsKey("taxi"));    // Iterate over LinkedHashMap.   Set<Entry<String, Double>> second = l.entrySet();   // Get an iterator   Iterator<Entry<String, Double>> i = s.iterator();   // Display elements   acre (i.hasNext()) {    Map.Entry one thousand = (Map.Entry);    System.out.print(m.getKey() + ": ");    System.out.println(m.getValue());   }   System.out.println();  } }

Output : 
LinkedHashMap elements are : {Bicycle=134.33, Car=353.12, Bus=-598.23, Train=193.56, Motorcycle=39.48} Size of LinkedHashMap is : five Value of Bus is -598.23 LinkedHashMap is empty? : imitation LinkedHashMap has 353.12 value? : truthful LinkedHashMap has taxi key? : imitation Bicycle: 134.33 Car: 353.12 Bus: -598.23 Train: 193.56 Motorcycle: 39.48

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