Sunday, February 21, 2016

Use Example Testing

| Sunday, February 21, 2016
Use illustration testing is basically a Test Designing technique. Use illustration contains the steps, this steps explains how the histrion (which may hold out anything similar user, customer or other devices or system.) interacts betwixt the applications. So this utilization illustration embrace all the functional requirement of the application. It has 2 parts i is top dog scenario in addition to other is special scenario.

We volition verbalize over to a greater extent than or less examples.

Use Case Name: Bike driving
So the utilization illustration cite is Bike driving

Actors in addition to System: Driver (user) in addition to Bike
The histrion are user in addition to wheel who are going to interact betwixt each other.


  1. Bike should stimulate got fuel.
  2. Driver should know the driving.
  3. Driver should stimulate got the Bike Key.

These are the listing of prerequisite, wheel should stimulate got fuel, in addition to without these wheel won’t run in addition to other prerequisite is user should know the driving otherwise he volition collide or crash on something.

How user illustration is present the interaction betwixt the driver in addition to the wheel below are the normal menstruum in addition to alternate way or alternate piece of job flow. The departure betwixt these 2 flows are inward normal piece of job menstruum cypher volition driblet dead wrong, everything volition hap equally per the menstruum it’s something similar the testing the application amongst the positive flow. And inward alternate menstruum something tin plough over the axe driblet dead wrong.

Normal Flow:

  1. The driver volition sit down on the bike.
  2. The driver withdraw the stand.
  3. The driver order the keys.
  4. The driver spin the key.
  5. The user volition press kickoff push to kickoff bike
  6. The wheel volition start.
  7. The speedo meter volition start.
  8. The driver describe the clutch.
  9. The driver volition press the gear past times foot.
  10. The driver volition kickoff releasing the clutch piece of cake slowly.
  11. The wheel volition kickoff going forrad piece of cake slowly.
  12. The driver volition unloose whole clutch.
  13. The driver puts second.
  14. The wheel volition kickoff gaining the speed.
  15. The driver volition order tertiary gear wheel volition accept to a greater extent than speed.
  16. The driver increate accelerator.
  17. The driver volition order fourth gear wheel volition accept to a greater extent than in addition to to a greater extent than speed.
  18. The driver volition decrease the gear fourth tertiary 2nd 1st neutral.
  19. The wheel volition kickoff reducing the speed.
  20. The wheel speed volition driblet dead zero.
  21. The driver spin the key.
  22. The wheel volition halt in addition to near down.
  23. The utilization illustration ends amongst success.

This is the normal menstruum in addition to steps of interaction betwixt the driver in addition to the bike. Here affair is correct. But inward alternate piece of job flow, something goes wrong, come across below are the alternate piece of job flows.

Alternate Work Flow (Negative flow):

When at that spot is non fuel inward bike : the later mensuration five the mensuration half dozen volition hold out equally follow
Alternates steps:
Step 6.  Bike volition non start.
Step 7. User illustration volition ends amongst failure.

When user enters incorrect key : hence wheel volition non kickoff in addition to keys volition non spin
Alternates steps:
Step 4. The Driver enters incorrect key.
Step 5. The Driver tries to spin the key.
Step 6. The wheel volition non start.
Step 7. Use illustration volition ends amongst failure.

When at that spot is no battery backup : hence later pressing the starter the wheel volition non start
Alternate Steps:
Step 6.The driver volition press the kickoff button.
Step 7.The Bike volition non start.
Step 8.The Use illustration volition ends amongst failure.

There may hold out the to a greater extent than alternate ways, this is how utilization illustration hold off like. After creation of utilization illustration tester has to write the evidence cases for this utilization case. Mostly preferable is that write i evidence illustration for each flow, agency i evidence illustration for normal menstruum in addition to i evidence illustration for each alternate flows. That would hold out plenty the embrace all the requirements.

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