As nosotros convey seen that Bugzilla is põrnikas tracking software. Now nosotros volition acquire how it works. We involve to post a põrnikas for a Project or nosotros tin post a alter also for improvement of our project.
And this volition percentage inward squad yesteryear Bugzilla therefore instantly nosotros volition acquire hither how nosotros tin study a põrnikas inward Bugzilla.
Here inward picture y'all tin run into 1 push equally ‘New’. Just click on it together with y'all volition navigate to the page where y'all involve to acquire into all the data virtually your bug.
It volition live on e'er beneficial for Team if a developer or Tester volition render proper data of a põrnikas to them. Thus, Team tin solve it real easily together with nosotros tin amend the functioning of the projection together with satisfied our client too.
Infect nosotros tin assign our projection to our client also, therefore he tin able to run into our efforts for his projection together with expire dorsum to the squad if he wants anything else.
As per picture y'all involve to direct a projection showtime inward which projection y'all desire to post an issue.
Then direct components for the same project. For illustration if y'all volition convey to a greater extent than element for a projection equally android device or spider web application together with therefore y'all involve to direct 1 element inward which y'all desire to post an issue.
Now direct version for the same project. If y'all convey developed projection inward dissimilar version together with therefore accordingly direct version for it.
Select severity for the issues. Decide it yesteryear its effectiveness. If it volition block the application together with therefore direct blocker severity or direct severity from low, medium or high level. Decide severity score according to the bug.
Now y'all involve to direct Hardware. As inward which hardware y'all expire that issue. It volition assistance developers to solve issues.
After hardware y'all involve to direct Operating arrangement inward which y'all convey worked together with how y'all tin expire the issues?
Then most of import business office of the physical care for is Summary. We involve to acquire into summary for define an issue. It is mandatory champaign inward Bugzilla. It should live on mandatory because it is the principal caput of the issue. It describes all the details virtually issue. Make certain y'all volition render all data related to the põrnikas therefore it volition resolve equally before long equally possible. Give Reproduction pace of the issues here. So developer squad tin reproduced it together with solve it.
Next filed is Description, Here y'all involve to acquire into results. First depict actual result. You tin acquire into actual outcome equally application behaves together with and therefore explicate Expected result. In which y'all involve to write how application should operate together with how nosotros tin amend its character yesteryear applying the change.
Now attached proper screenshot for y'all bug. Developer tin easily position põrnikas alongside the role of screenshot or attach a video which depict the number properly. Always attach film or documents which depict your issue, it volition proof of your work.
Now y'all tin click on submit button. After clicking on submit push Bugzilla volition ship y'all an e-mail on your registered e-mail ID from where y'all tin expire on runway of your issues. Even Bugzilla volition ship an e-mail to the entire squad who assigned this projection therefore everyone come upward to know virtually the number or Bug.
Bugzilla gives y'all 1 to a greater extent than amazing facility to edit your issues. Your posted issues volition await similar below image.
Here y'all tin run into all the data which has been provided yesteryear y'all earlier y'all submitted the issue.
Status of your number has been displayed here. If developer started operate on it together with therefore it volition convey In-
progress condition or if number has been solved together with therefore it volition convey resolved status. Bugzilla also ship y'all a postal service if y'all põrnikas condition convey been changed.
Once y'all made alter together with therefore y'all involve to salvage it again. You tin expire a push equally ‘Save Changes’ inward bottom of the page. You involve to click on it together with therefore together with alone together with therefore your all changes convey been saved. You volition expire a novel postal service for the same. All the edited fields convey been mentioned inward mail.
Thus, nosotros tin tell that Bugzilla is perfect tool for põrnikas tracking physical care for equally it informed whole squad if smallest alter has been applied for a project.
You tin run into all the summary of an issues simply similar below. Here every põrnikas has their ID. You tin position yesteryear their Given ID.
This is all virtually posting an number inward Bugzilla.