Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Gui Testing

| Tuesday, February 23, 2016
GUI testing, amount shape of GUI testing Graphical User Interface. Main focus of GUI testing to examine the appearance of the software instead of functional requirements.UI of application a comes kickoff when somebody browse to our application the kickoff impression volition move based on UI. If it is attractive interactive in addition to slow to job in addition to then the visitor remain inwards our site for longer period. But if our applications UI is poor, miss-aligned, images are broken, buttons links are grayed out, application non conveying anything in addition to then visitors experience uncomfortable every bit shortly every bit possible. UI handle a lot to attract the visitors in addition to popular off along visitor on site for longer period.

The Question is how to perform GUI testing in addition to what produce nosotros remove to examine piece performing GUI testing.the next things remove to move tested piece performing GUI testing.

  • Page content
  • Buttons
  • Menus
  • Icons introduce on page
  • Pop ups
  • Color
  • Images   

Lets verbalize over each points.

Page content is a content written on page.here nosotros remove to banking concern jibe many things similar every bit few examine cases mentioned below.

  • Check the content font size is correct.
  • Check the content alignment is correct.
  • Check the font type/ way is proper.
  • Check the put of the font is correct.
  • Check the content.
  • Check the for spelling mistakes/ grammatical mistakes.

You many remember of what is proper size, font etc. Not remove to worry. We remove to banking concern jibe whether font size, alignment, font way etc. Are every bit per the Software Requirement Specialization or not. If non in addition to then grade in addition to written report that effect every bit a UI bug.

E.g encounter below attached images.

This is illustration of mis-aligned content. Red marked surface area shows mis-aligned 

 amount shape of GUI testing Graphical User Interface GUI Testing

Below icon is the right version of higher upwards image. Above icon should move every bit demo below.

 amount shape of GUI testing Graphical User Interface GUI Testing

Buttons are integral component subdivision of whatever application, it should hold back practiced in addition to should placed at right position.it should lead keep proper tool tips to gild the user in addition to content written on it should move correct. Few examine cases for buttons are mentioned below.

  • Check push clitoris put is proper.
  • Check push clitoris color is proper.
  • Check content written on push clitoris is proper.
  • Check push clitoris size is proper.
  • Check all push clitoris lead keep same style.
  • Check all push clitoris demo meaningful tool tips
  • Check content written on push clitoris is proper.
  • Check the font in addition to font way of a content written on push clitoris is proper.

 You tin flaming brand to a greater extent than examine cases bases on SRS. See the image.

 amount shape of GUI testing Graphical User Interface GUI Testing
The left is shows proper alignment of push clitoris but the alignment of push clitoris is incorrect on right image.

Icons introduce on page :
Icons brand application hold back practiced if used properly. If non it may spoil your whole application encounter the images y'all volition teach the idea. See below images if it used properly in addition to then it volition hold back swell in addition to attractive on site.

 amount shape of GUI testing Graphical User Interface GUI Testing
But if it does non used properly it volition spoil the page. See the same icon but alongside petty issues.
 amount shape of GUI testing Graphical User Interface GUI Testing
Compare both images y'all volition honour the huge difference.

To examine icons nosotros remove to check:

  • Check the icon put is proper.
  • Check all icon lead keep same height.
  • Check all icon lead keep right images.
  • Check all the icon lead keep right color.
  • Check all the icons are clickable.
  • if site is responsive the y'all may banking concern jibe it for unlike resolution also.

Pop ups in addition to literal messages
To brand attractive application popular upwards are necessary. And if y'all don’t know what is literal message in addition to then literal agency alarm messages, confirmation messages.

  • Check all the alarm message are correct.
  • Check put of alarm messages.
  • Check success alarm message is inwards dark-green color.
  • Check warning message is inwards carmine color.
  • Check alerts messages are going automatically afterwards the specified period.
  • Check alarm messages are having selection to dismiss it.

You may banking concern jibe many things hither also based on requirements.
See below images: these is the literal message.

 amount shape of GUI testing Graphical User Interface GUI Testing

Color :
Color combination used inwards application also plays an of import role. If it combined properly in addition to then application looks practiced if non used properly in addition to then it brand a mess. Check few examine cases written below to check:

  • Check the color are correct.
  • Check the link color is blue.
  • Check the text box color.
  • Check background color is correct.
  • Check content color.
  • Check buttons color is correct.

These are few.

Images are also an of import component subdivision of UI. Below are few examine cases to banking concern jibe images.

  • Check images are correct.
  • Check images laissez passer on in addition to width.
  • Check images pixel.
  • Check images are visible.
  • Check images positions are proper.
  • Check images loads chop-chop or inwards specified time.

You may write many more, these are but a samples.
I promise this article handle y'all to perform UI testing.

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