Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bug Life Cycle

| Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Defect life bicycle or põrnikas life bicycle is a real of import point, each too every tester should know almost it. Main target of tester is non solely uncovering the bug/ defect inwards the software but also also decease on the runway of that põrnikas till its closer. So põrnikas life bicycle is a life bicycle of põrnikas from its source to its closer. Origin betoken is when tester uncovering a põrnikas too closer or closing betoken is when tester re-retest too unopen it.
Below shown diagram is a the Bug life Cycle. 

 Defect life bicycle or põrnikas life bicycle is a real of import betoken Bug Life Cycle

See how põrnikas goes through a publish of phases inwards his entire life. We are going to hash out each stage 1 yesteryear one.

When tester execute its examination cases too output of that examination example is non equally expected too hence tester tin say he has got a bug. Means a variance betwixt the expected consequence too actual consequence is called bug. So the tester necessitate to larn ready this põrnikas but he cant ready that põrnikas yesteryear himself, developer necessitate to ready this. But create tester straight become to developer too tell them ? similar howdy developer I institute the bug, ready this soon. The respond is no. Tester necessitate to submit this põrnikas to his Team Lead offset too squad atomic number 82 volition assign the developer to ready the põrnikas later his analysis.

Important : when tester finds a põrnikas too hence it is inwards NEW state.

Once the põrnikas is submitted yesteryear the tester them squad leads piece of job larn started. Team atomic number 82 necessitate to verify the submitted bug. Team atomic number 82 necessitate to create roughly entry checks, yous volition larn a stance yesteryear looking below image. 
Following actions necessitate to performed yesteryear the squad lead.

The põrnikas is marked equally a rejected when that põrnikas is invalid. Meaning of invalid is, roughly fourth dimension tester may misunderstood the functionality too tin grade characteristic equally a bug, inwards that example that põrnikas is rejected yesteryear squad atomic number 82 later evaluation.
 Defect life bicycle or põrnikas life bicycle is a real of import betoken Bug Life Cycle
Important: when tester written report a põrnikas but which is a characteristic of software too hence squad atomic number 82 grade it equally rejected.

If põrnikas is a valid põrnikas too hence squad atomic number 82 volition cheque whether that põrnikas is already reported yesteryear other tester or not. If it is reported yesteryear other tester too hence squad atomic number 82 grade it equally DUPLICATE. If that põrnikas is non reported yesteryear other tester too hence squad atomic number 82 aspect for scope.

As nosotros know, nosotros are working inwards a team. There is a chances that the same software or same module is assigned to to a greater extent than than 1 tester, inwards that example similar põrnikas tin live on institute yesteryear many tester. So squad atomic number 82 necessitate to ensure that, same põrnikas should non larn reported twice or may live on to a greater extent than than that.

Important: if same põrnikas is reported yesteryear 2 or to a greater extent than tester too hence minute reported põrnikas is marked equally DUPLICATE.

If that põrnikas is non a duplicate põrnikas too hence squad atomic number 82 volition cheque that põrnikas for DEFERRED status.
If the põrnikas is non a part of electrical flow liberate too hence that põrnikas tin live on marked equally deferred. Means suppose yous are working inwards agile methodology too they accept divided the projection requirement into a minor builds which are called sprints, say they divided the projection requirements into the 10 sprints, similar sprint 1, sprint 2…..up to the 10 sprint. And currently yous are working on sprint 1 but the põrnikas yous accept institute is related to the futurity sprints say it related to the sprint 2. but the adjacent liberate is for sprint 1. inwards such a scenario squad atomic number 82 grade that põrnikas equally DEFERRED. DEFERRED põrnikas is a põrnikas but it necessitate to resolve inwards futurity release.

Important: when a põrnikas is a part of futurity liberate too hence it is marked equally DIFERRED.

When that raised põrnikas is valid, unique too part of electrical flow liberate too hence squad atomic number 82 assign that põrnikas to developer. 

Here developer start working on põrnikas to ready it. Developer brand proper changes to ready the change. And brand available that alter for testing.

After fixing of the põrnikas that feature/functionality is available for the testing, hither tester executes those failed examination cases too verify straight off that characteristic is producing proper output or not.

When that põrnikas is fixed too re-tested too institute working fine too hence tester grade it equally close.

There are 2 province of affairs In which nosotros necessitate to re-open the bug.

Situation1: when developer ready the põrnikas too tester re-test it too later re-testing if same põrnikas is introduce or developer said he fixed the põrnikas but nevertheless same põrnikas is introduce too hence tester re-open the põrnikas too in 1 lawsuit again assign that põrnikas to developer for fixing.

Situation2: in that place are roughly cases where the fixed bugs are in 1 lawsuit again appears, inwards that province of affairs nosotros necessitate to re-open that closed põrnikas too assign it to the developer again.

So this is all almost põrnikas life cycle, yous may uncovering unlike põrnikas life bicycle diagram on unlike resources but this 1 is tardily to explicate in 1 lawsuit yous sympathise the diagram.

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