Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Jmeter Uniform Random Timer Usage

| Tuesday, February 23, 2016
As cite suggest, Uniform random timer is 1 of the Jmeter timer which is used to generate fixed+random total of fourth dimension delay betwixt 2 requests inward your software charge attempt out plan. Uniform random timer is used when you lot wants to position around fixed but likewise around random fourth dimension delay betwixt 2 requests inward your software charge attempt out plan. Example : I wants to position minimum delay fourth dimension three seconds together with maximum delay fourth dimension to ten seconds together with then i tin dismiss purpose uniform random timer inward my attempt out plan.

Also you lot tin dismiss purpose uniform random timer equally alone constant delay timer or equally a random timer equally it is combination of constant delay + random delay timer.

Add Uniform Random Timer In Your Test Plan
You tin dismiss add uniform random timer on asking score to apply timer delay on specific asking together with parallel to requests to apply timer delay on all requests for your software charge attempt out plan. We volition meet both the ways amongst examples but showtime of all you lot must know how to add together uniform random timer inward your attempt out plan. Let's add together it nether controller.
  • Right click on controller.
  • Select Add -> Timer -> Uniform Random Timer as shown inward bellow image.
  • It volition add together uniform random timer nether Simple Controller inward your software charge attempt out plan.
Uniform Random Timer Parameters
Uniform Random Timer accept 2 parameters equally shown inward bellow image.
  • Random Delay Maximum : This is outer boundary boundary of random fourth dimension delay. It volition produce upward one's hear maximum random time out time.
  • Constant Delay Offset : This is the fixed delay fourth dimension which volition hold upward added inward random delay.

In inward a higher house icon you lot tin dismiss see, I accept set Random Delay Maximum = 3000 milliseconds and Constant Delay Offset = 7000 milliseconds. That agency it volition position random delay betwixt vii seconds to ten seconds betwixt 2 requests.

Bellow given links volition present you lot usage of uniform random timer inward dissimilar ways.

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